New Power Ups

Today I added some new content to the game as well as some bugfixes, though not all content updates will make it to the demo. It is just a demonstration, right? :^)

Current features:

  • Paddle Navigation (Moving and rotating)
  • Support for Keyboard and Gamepad
  • 3 types of turrets:
    • Gun turret: Shoots a small bullet straight to the other side, without aim
    • Cannon turret: Shoots a big, slower bullet straight to the other side, without aim
    • Precision turret: Shoots a small, faster bullet while aiming at the player
  • 9 types of Power Ups:
    • Shield: Makes all paddles invincible for a few seconds
    • Block spawn: Makes a single block spawn at a random position, allowing the player to stitch it to one of his paddles by colliding with the block
    • Slow down: Slows down time for enemies and projectile, while giving the player the ability to controll the paddles with almost normal speed
    • Stun: Stuns all enemy turrets, halting them from what they are doing for some seconds. (This can be used to block some spawn slots for the next wave)
    • Deflector: Deflects bullets for a short time, causing them to bounce off (not working for missiles)
    • Speed up: Increases the movement and rotation speed of all paddles for a few seconds
    • New Wave: Instantly call a new wave. All current turrets stop in their actions and begin to retreat (even if they have not shot yet)
    • New Power Up: Instantly spawns a new Power Up
    • Copycat: Copys all current paddles and spawns them at random locations. They are instantly owned by the player
  • Paddle split on hit
  • Stitching paddles together (or blocks)

Planned features:

  • More turrets:
    • Barrage turret: Shoots multiple medium sized bullets at once in multiple directions (i.e., -45°, 0°, 45°)
    • Mortar turret: Selects a location inside the arena symbolized by a shadow, dropping the bullet there
    • Artillery turret: Same as Mortar, but bigger projectile and faster drop
    • Cluster turret: Same as Mortar with a smaller projectile, but multiple projectiles at once
    • Laser turret: Shoots a laser covering the whole row or column with a small beam width
    • Missile launcher: Shoots a homing missile that follows the player for a short amount of time
    • EMP turret: Shoots a projectile in a random direction. When the projectile is destroyed (by colliding with other projectiles or a paddle), it renders paddles inside a big area uncontrollable for a short time
  • All turrets will get variants. A variant is displayed with another color and has the same projectile profile, but will fire multiple shots before retreating again and/or have a faster fire rate.
  • More Power Ups:
    • Magnet: Creates a force field around all paddle for a short time, adding a small force to nearby bullets
    • EMP Burst: Destroys all nearby projectiles in an area (EMP projectiles still activate their effect)
  • Global leaderboard
  • Adding animations for UI and game elements
  • Make the paddles' controls smoother
  • Polishing
  • Make better graphics / sprites


  • Give each block a HP pool so that they need more than one hit to be destroyed. This could be paired with turrets dealing different amount of damage and a Power Up to restore HP.
  • The original idea was creating a bullet hell  evasion game with a mix of pong. So an idea was to integrate the ability to spawn player projectiles (balls) that bounce off the arena walls, destroying projectiles and/or enemy turrets. The player can alter the balls trajectory path by letting the ball bounce off paddles. With this, a Power Up to spawn a new ball would be a possibility.

New Features:

  • 5 new Power Ups:
    • Deflector: Deflects bullets for a short time, causing them to bounce off (not working for missiles)
    • Speed up: Increases the movement and rotation speed of all paddles for a few seconds
    • New Wave: Instantly call a new wave. All current turrets stop in their actions and begin to retreat (even if they have not shot yet)
    • New Power Up: Instantly spawns a new Power Up
    • Copycat: Copys all current paddles and spawns them at random locations. They are instantly owned by the player


  • Items are still loaded in UI after Restart
  • Spawned Blocks are still in the arena after Restart
  • Start Timer does not start after starting a new match from the title menu
  • After stitching together two paddles (i.e. after copycat), the paddles stay connected even after a connecting block is destroyed
  • Blocks are not put into the list of the stitched paddle, so they didnt count for the "still has blocks"-check

Known Bugs:

  • Currently nothing noticable. If you find something, feel free to report :) I try to find all the bugs myself, but that isn't always possible :)

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